Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Chris Crocker

So my friend showed me this funny video of a really gay guy running around screaming that he has no food in his fridge. I couldnt stop laughing. Later I am on youtube and I come across another one. Turns out this guy is a big deal in the youtube community. Alot of his videos annoy me, but this makes me laugh, I hope it makes you laugh too.

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Monday, June 18, 2007

My Three Favorite Videos of the Week

#1 Timbaland Feat. Keri Hilson - The Way I Are

#2 Aly & Aj - Potiental Breakup Song

#3 Rihanna- Umbrella

Funny Video!

This video just made me crack up!!! I hope you guys like it!!

What did you guys think? Leave a comment!

Spanish Movie Projects

So this year for my spanish class, we had a movie project. So we made a movie on the traditional urban legend of "La Llorona" for all of you that don't know who she is, It is the story about a lady who drowned her kids and then kills herself. They say at night you can hear her crying looking for her kids So we did a Version for our spanish class. Except it is about 3 girls who go in the woods where La Llorona comes out.

Now the movie was so succesful, that the second time we made the sequel called "La Llorona 2" Which takes place months after the first one, where our main character goes to America to try to get away from the tragedy that befell her, but ends up running into La Llorona once more, and this time she is trying to come back to life by using the mystic powers of a pair of ancient aztec earrings that are ironically owned by a mid age racist white lady.

Well I hope you guys enjoy the movies! We worked hard on them! well...not really, haha it was fun making them and they make me crack up even though they are suppose to be scary

Summer School and More Problems!

So today was my first day of summer school! It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. First of all I have a wonderful teacher named Mr. Soto, and by wonderful I mean it as an overstatment. But it is not as bad, he gets really distracted easily. Not only does the 5 loong hours in the class wear me out, but I have summer swim right after that. now today wasnt as bad, but I sucked big time. I really need to get back in shape, which is why I am starting my Diet!! I hope I can stick to it again, because last summer it did great wonders on my body!
